I am a nerd, a colorful bird. I love the web, programming, designing, ... , detailed typography, interactive maps, 3D printing – generally tinkering with technology to create new and useful things.
To balance out my work, I love juggling with my 3D-printed diabolos in my free time (of course they need to be printed 😋) and occasionally perform with our juggling and fire flow group (»Stabernack eh Fau«).
From modern corporate websites and web applications to open source projects and 3D printing to citizen initiatives — here you will find a selection of my most favorite works and projects.
citizens greening Potsdam
Stefan Tietke – Engineering office
“Everything goes according to plan for us”
Rico Ratschke
“I am Django. And I am a lawyer.”
Mediterranean restaurant in Bantikow
Kyritz handelt.
Platform for the entrepreneurs of Kyritz (a.d.K.)
Prignitz midwife
“Nobody is too small to be great.”
Stabernack ehFau
Potsdam Juggling Group
I offer the following services:
Web Development
I develop websites, web applications and focus on modern technologies and standards to ensure a high-quality and sustainable solution for your project.
- Typescript
- React.js
- Next.js
- CM-Systeme
Surely I also design user interfaces and user experiences while focusing on usability, accessibility and a consistent appearance across all media screen sizes.
- Responsive UI
- UX
- Figma
- Sketch
Feel free to contact me through the following channels: